Main focus of
this article is to summarize the rise and fall of Enron, as well as changes in
financial reporting, auditing and corporate governance proposed in response by
Big Five accounting firms. Main reason to fall is company’s lack of
transparency in financial reporting. Company hired consultant named Skilling to
make new strategies. Skilling instituted
the performance review committee in this underperforming employees are fired
within six months. Enron added lot of product lines and attained success.
Company used its own models on the basis of their own assumption for long
future contracts. FASB interrupted by asking company to disclose all assumptions
and estimates. Due to new market entrant’s success, fall in energy prices and
recession, Enron profit margins started falling by the end of 2000. In order to
maintain ratings Enron used “Special Purpose Entities” to hedge risk. In turn,
this increased ROA and reduced debt/Total Assets ratio. FASB requires that only
3% of the SPE be owned by outside investor. Enron added more complexity by
keeping losses in Books. Company also increased notes receivable and
shareholders’ equity to reflect transaction of stocks in exchange of notes receivables
violating GAAP. Due to Misrepresentation
Company start losing trust and reputation in market. As a result both Lay and
skilling announced retirement and after consolidation with SPEs restatements
resulted in $591million in loss and stock price of Enron felt to 26 cents.
Question rose on the integrity of independent auditor process. Andersen, Enron’s external and internal
auditor; also controller of internal accountants was dismissed by Enron.
Andersen admitted that he destroyed thousands of documents and electronic files.
Collapse of Enron leads to suicide of former vice-chairman, end of 4500
individual’s carrier. SEC responded and called for joint response from public
and private sectors. The CEOs of Five accounting firms wants modernization of
procedure to make sure about transparency, timely and relevant presentation.
AICPA responded by issuance of an exposure draft “consideration of fraud in
Financial Statements audit” to restore confidence in profession. AICPA also
supported prohibitions that prevent audit firms from internal audit outsourcing
for public audit clients. Management
Frauds outlined in SAS no 82 are as follows-
Competition based
on Financial, management compensation and earning targets.
Use of aggressive
accounting practices to maintain Price to Earnings trend.
Balance Sheet and
Income statements on the basis of assumptions.
The collapse of
Enron has had lot of political and financial implications which have resulted
in review of corporate regulation. Unethical reporting based on assumptions by
Enron corporation e.g. for SPEs consolidation of financial statements and balance
sheet reporting lead to a loss of trust by investors and financiers. Questions
arisen regarding adequacy of accounting standards, SEC disclosure requirements
and market disclosure rules. The regulation committees responded by instituting
inquiries and reviews by the SEC and AICPA. Sarbanes- Oxley act was
enacted in 2002 to make sure and restore faith in the market by ensuring that
financial information issued by corporations is truthful. Under this act
companies should give full disclosure of financial statements to stockholders
and interested parties (Investors). Also company should have adequate internal
controls for reporting purpose. The CEO or CFO has to certify that he
established adequate internal controls. And if any unethical work is found he
will be primarily responsible. The fact that Enron was global company and
operated in approximately 40 countries, as such all countries got affected by
the Enron collapse. Most of the countries started reviewing there accounting
standards to ensure ethical reporting of financial statements.