Saturday, August 5, 2017

Generalized Least Square

          Generalized Least Squares- 

GLM does not assume a linear relationship between dependent and independent variables.
If the off-diagonal elements of covariance matrix of the residuals with its lag are not 0, then there can be correlation across cases.
In a time-series problem, that amounts to autocorrelation and Generalized least square is used.
-        Estimation of Ὠ for GLS-

                     1-    By OLS calculate error terms.
Y = X β + u, u ~(0, Ὠ)
Let  be the OLS residuals. The goal is to use the residuals to construct a consistent estimate of .
                2-    Ὠ = Covariance matrix of residuals with its lags. 
         E.g-  Excel Sheet -

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