Saturday, January 28, 2017

Multiple Regression

More than one independent variables. Multicollinearity problem may exist if independent variables are correlated with each other.

3.1                Multivariate Theorem-

Suppose U N (µ, Σ), a multivariate normal vector,                           (1)
V = c + DU, a linear transformation of U                                               (2)
Where, c is a vector and D is a matrix.
            V ∼ N (c + Dµ, D * ΣD’)                                                             (3)
                  b = (X’ X) −1 X’ Y = [(X’ X) −1 X’] Y and                                  (4)
                                  Y ∼ N (Xβ, σ2 I)                                                        (5)
Comparing (1) with (5)-
                       U = Y,                 µ = Xβ,                   Σ = σ2 I,
Comparing (2) with (4)-
                        V = b,                    c = 0,    and         D = (X’ X) −1 X’
This tells us the vector b is normally distributed with mean-
(X’ X) −1 (X’ X) β = β
And covariance matrix-
So, (X’ X) and its inverse are symmetric,
((X’ X) −1)’= (X’ X) −1

3.2            Parameters and Residuals-

Matrices H and (I − H) properties:
       i.            Symmetric: H = H’ and (I − H)’ = (I − H).
    ii.            Idempotent: H2 = H and (I − H)(I − H)=(I − H)

3.3      Covariance Matrix of Residuals-

Cov(e) = σ2 (I − H)(I − H)’ = σ2 (I − H)
Var(ei) = σ2 (1 − hi,i)
Where, hi,i is the ith diagonal element of H

3.4      Standard Error of Regression in Matrix form-

Sum Square Error = e’ e has dfE = n – p,
Where, p = number of independent variables, n = # of observations
Mean Square Error = SSE / dfE

Distribution of b: b = (X’ X) −1X’ Y.
The only RV involved is Y, so the distribution of b is based on the distribution of Y.

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