Saturday, January 28, 2017

Standard Error of Coefficients in Regression

Standard Error of Coefficients in Regression
1- Regress (Dependent Y) to (Independent) X1, X2, X3…..
2-   Sum of Residual Square =  (Yi (predicted) - Yi )2
3-   Mean Square Error = Sum of Residuals / ( N - K - 1)
N = Number of observations, K = Number of Regressor as above
4-   Regress by taking (Dependent) X1 and (Independent) X2, X3, X4………..
For standard error of slope of X1.
a-   Sum of Residual Square (SS Residual) =  (Xi (predicted) - Xi )2
b-   Standard Error of slope of X1  = Sqrt (( (3) / (a))
5-   T-Statistic - Standard Error / Coefficient.
6-   P - Value in Excel = =TDIST( ( absolute value of t-statistic),degree of freedom, tails(2))
Repeating steps 4-6 for statistics of X2- Dependent) X2 and (Independent) X1

-       Variance-
-       Slope-

Standard Error of Multiple Regression Matrix Form

Y = b0 + b1*X1 + b2*X2

-        Note- It is possible to have variables that are dependent but uncorrelated, since correlation only measures linear dependence. A nice thing about normally distributed RV’s is that they are a convenient special case: if they are uncorrelated, they are also independent.
-        Coefficients can be significant despite of low R2 as R2 do not consider intercept.
-        For equation  Y = b0 + b1*X1 + b2*X2
We have-
Squaring both sides-

[1] SS Residuals is residuals of regression with X as dependent and Z as independent.
[2] S2y, 12 is mean square residual of regression with independent x2 and dependent x1.

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